Chebacco News 60 – raising the centreboard

I had a question about how to raise the centreboard on a chebacco.

The centreboard is not very heavy and it is possible to raise the board without mechanical advantage, but I wanted it to be easy for anyone to operate the board.  I looked everywhere for a simple cheap winch but in the end it was easier to make one.


The winch is mounted to the top of the case inside the cabin. The spindle is a stainless steel tube and you can see I made plywood washers held on with a through bolt.  The 4mm spectra line is clamped in an off the shelf cam cleat and the line passes through the cabin bulkhead and round a sheave down to the plate.

It was a relatively simple job – more time was spent/wasted looking for an off the shelf solution than actually making the winch.  I do not see why a Chebacco 19 centreboard couldn’t be raised the same way, but just plain muscles work too.



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