Ton Visser sent me some photos of a weekend cruise to Vlieland (Holland).

Mast repair
My Chebacco has been off the water for a bit – career change/covid/etc – which has lead to a bit of maintenance. The old rusty trailer has been replaced with a less old/less rusty trailer. I built a shed to park Khaos in rather than tarps that continually blow off and deteriorate. The mast was exposed to the weather for a while and I noticed some rot in the base.

I used Hoop Pine birdsmouth for the mast – maybe Hoop Pine was not the best choice, or maybe I just did not look after the mast well. So I have made a solid Douglas Fir base and scarfed it in. I added 500mm in length to the mast and added a sheave block. This time the mast will be painted, it does not look as sexy but it will no doubt last longer.