I received an exciting email from Simon Jones in South Australia. If you have read all the newsletters you may remember Simon started a Chebacco 25 back in newsletter 26 (1999). The hull got built but the project got put on hold for many years. Simon tells me the covers are coming off and he hopes to have Mudlark in the water next summer (southern hemisphere).
I’ll let Simon tell the story:
“Call me dumb or stubborn, I knew I only had one big boat in me but a multitude of ideas and wishes that I had to incorporate into my build.
I loved the basic lines of the C25, I didn’t like a lot of other things, the cabin was too low, the centreboard was a huge lump in the way, the rudder was too small and not on the stern, the cat rig was too cumbersome and inflexible.
I wrote to Bolger asking for advice and any thoughts. I received a very terse reply to the effect that any deviation was an abomination and I was on my own.
Raised the freeboard one plank to allow for sitting headroom over water ballast tanks under quarter berths.
Moved to ketch rig with adjustable bowsprit and stern hung rudder.
Moved from centreboard to leeboards.
Extended cabin top and recambered.
Installed watertight bulkheads fore and aft.
Reduced depth of keelson to allow for more stable grounding.
Rearranged interior to sleep four with central galley.

Cheers Simon.”
I have suggested a meeting of the only two Chebacco 25’s at Goolwa wooden boat festival in two years time – are there any other Chebacco owners in Australia who might want to join us?